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One charge takes you places

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Find your way
Find your way

Explore routes and plan a trip to see how much charge you need and how many charging stops along the way.

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Get to know your charge
Get to know your charge

Get to know typical charging times at home and on the go.

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Learn more about electric vehicles

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Important information

Based on full charge of the Ford vehicle model you have selected in the tool. Estimated range based on Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) test results in combination with manufacturer modeled values and calculations to predict the influence of additional factors on anticipated range. Figures shown are for comparability purposes and should only be compared with other vehicles tested to the same technical procedures. Actual range varies with conditions such as external elements like temperature, driving behaviors, route profile, vehicle maintenance, and lithium-ion battery age and condition.


The values stated were determined according to the prescribed WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedures) measurement method. The information does not refer to a single vehicle and is not part of the offer, but is intended solely for comparison purposes between the different vehicle types.